List of Regional Health Geography Groups
A list of health geography networks - please help us and contribute by sending us links of other existing health geography networks
International Networks
- Healthy-Polis An initiative of Public Health England (PHE), Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) and the Australian National University (ANU). For further Details see Health Geography Groups in Australia.
- Research Centre on Health, Quality of Life and Lifestyle in a Geodemographic and Socioeconomic Context (GeoQol) is an interdisciplinary oriented working group of scientific researchers, composed primarily of science teachers and students of the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science on the Charles University in Prague and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London. Research center is mainly interested in the analysis of the current state of the population health, individual and social ways of its care, as well as environmental impacts and socio-economic climate on human health. All this in the context of the changing intensity of the effects on health of the aimed population.
- GeoSaude A Facebook community started with the GeoSaude 2014 Conference to link health geographers in the Portuguese speaking countries.
- Eastern Africa GEO Health Hub Lead investigators from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda are collaborating with the University of Southern California and Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa University to establish the Eastern Africa Global Environmental and Occupational Health Hub. A research and training collaboration funded by a joint five-year grant, housed in Ethiopia. Three main research areas: Air Pollution, Climate Change and Occupational Health/ Workplace Safety.
- GeoHealth Thai Platform Collection of relevant journals, spatial data websites, institutes and (inter-)national partners.
- China Health Geography Group An official study group of the Geographical Society of China. Organizes workshops discussing topics on the health impacts of environmental change, pollution and disasters; disease transmission; urbanization, migration and health; health and health care; geography of population ageing and elder care; GIS and health. The WeChat group’s name is “中国地理学会~健康地理学术交流群”. Contact person for further input: Yang Cheng here
- Center of Geographic and Migration Medicine, Medical University Vienna Interdisciplinary research efforts on scientific and clinical questions of global importance. Provide Know how and academic potential (Clinics, Research, teaching programs) to countries without respective resources. Implementation of sustained projects and infrastructure.
- Research Centre on Health, Quality of Life and Lifestyle in a Geodemographic and Socioeconomic Context (GeoQol), Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague - The research Centre on Health, Quality of Life and Lifestyle in a Geodemographic and Socioeconomic Context (GeoQol) is an interdisciplinary oriented working group of scientific researchers, composed primarily of science teachers and students of the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science on the Charles University in Prague and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London. Research center is mainly interested in the analysis of the current state of the population health, individual and social ways of its care, as well as environmental impacts and socio-economic climate on human health. All this in the context of the changing intensity of the effects on health of the aimed population.
- Territories and Health in the International College of Territorial Sciences (CIST) The aim of the Territories and Health research area is to create a platform for pooling approaches, data, methods and skills for all those interested in the social, political and environmental dimensions of health territories.
In France, these approaches are currently divided into multiple research teams that are operating fragmented in terms of discipline, and between researchers and health territory practitioners, who know each other but seldom work together in a coordinated way.
3 themes were selected to bridge the current fragmentation and work more connected in the Territories and Health in the International College of Territorial Sciences (CIST): The place of territory in health policies, the place of health in territorial policies; People’s health and territorial identification; Territorial dimension of health risks.
- AG Health Geography in der DGEpi Working Group on Health Geography in the German society of Epidemiology.
- Arbeitskreis für Medizinische Geographie und Geographische Gesundheitsforschung In diesem Arbeitskreis kooperieren Mediziner und Geographen. Unsere Seiten bieten Informationen zu Tagungen, außerdem können Sie frühere Rundbriefe, sowie Abstracts und Berichte von Veranstaltungen des Arbeitskreises herunterladen.
- GeoHealth Centre, University of Bonn The primary work and research fields include: Spatial-temporal analysis of the appearance of environment infectious diseases; water supply structures: data gathering, analysis, water safety plans; microbial water contamination; hygiene-geoecological risk analysis; Health & Disease Mapping; Geographic infection epidemiology; nature conservation & health protection; sport and event hygiene
- Arbeitsgruppe Räumliche Statistik der Deutschen Region der Internationalen biometrischen Gesellschaft
- Health Geography and System Thinking Group, Maastricht University
- Geo-Health at the University of Twente
- Portuguese Health Geography Group, Coimbra University Grupo de Investigacao em Geografia da Saude at Coimbra University
- Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit) Social Epidemiology Group, ISPUP - Public Health Institute at Porto University
- Umea, Sweden Research Group on Climate Change and Global Health The group focus on climate health impacts and adaptation studies. The group is using spatial analysis on distribution and spread of diseases.
United Kingdom (UK)
- Geographies of Health and Wellbeing (GoHWell), Durham University GoHWell comprises researchers in the Department of Geography concerned with the ways in which health and wellbeing may both constitute and result from inequalities in wealth, health, living conditions and life-chances. It´s an interdisciplinary Cluster of the Department of Geography, Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience, Centre for Medical Humanities and the Wolfson Research Institute (Stockton).
- Geography of Health and Wellbeing Research Group (GHWRG) is a research group of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). Main activities: bringing national and international researchers together, organizing national and international events and meetings, supporting postgraduates and early career researchers, communicating news and events to its increasing membership. Previous website: Geography of Health Research Group (GHRG)
- Geography Research Group: Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW), University of Southampton Areas of Research: spatial analysis and modelling of population; cultures, spaces and practices of care and population health as central theme.
- Geografia da Saúde e Vigilância Socioambiental from UFAM - Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Coordinator: Nelcioney José de Souza Araújo
- GeoSaúde Manaus from UEA - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. Coordinator: Antonio Estanislau Sanches
- LAGAS - Laboratório de Geografia, Ambiente e Saúde, from UnB - Universidade de Brasília. Coordinator: Helen Gurgel
- Laboratório de Geografia da Saúde Ufes, from UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Coordinator: Rafael de Castro Catão
- Climatologia Geográfica e interfaces com a saúde, from UFG - Universidade Federal de Goiás. Coordinator: Juliana Ramalho Barros
- Grupo de Pesquisa Saúde e Ambiente, from UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Coordinator: Zulimar Márita Ribeiro Rodrigues
- SIGSaúde - Geografia e Análise Espacial em Saúde, from UFMT - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso. Coordinator: Emerson Soares dos Santos
- Grupo de Pesquisa GESF - Saúde, Espaço e Fronteira(s), from UFGD - Universidade Federal de Grande Dourados. Coordinator: Adeir Archanjo da Mota
- PUC MINAS - Tratamento da Informação Espacial, from PUC MINAS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Coordinator: Paulo Fernando Braga Carvalho
- DemSA: Democracia, Saúde e Ambiente, from UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Coordinator: Juliana Pereira da Silva Faquim
- Labvirus.UFU, from MGUFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Coordinator: Jonny Yokosawa
- Laboratório de Geografia Médica e Vigilância em Saúde, from UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Coordinator: Samuel do Carmo Lima
- Vigilância em Saúde Ambiental - UFU, from UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Coordinator: Boscoli Barbosa Pereira
- Pró-Saúde Geo - Grupo de Pesquisa em Geografia para Promoção da Saúde, from UFCG - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Coordinator: Martha Priscila Bezerra Pereira
- LABOCLIMA - Laboratório de Climatologia , from UFPR - Universidade do Paraná. Coordinator: Francisco de Assis Mendonça
- Saúde Coletiva e Geografia da Saúde, from Uniandrade - Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade. Coordinator: Denecir de Almeida Dutra
- GREGS_UEM, from UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Coordinator: Maria Eugênia Moreira Costa Ferreira
- LASA - Laboratório de Aplicações de Satélites Ambientais, from UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Coordinator: Renata Libonati dos Santos
- LMI- Sentinela , from Laboratório Misto Internacional IRD - Institut de recherche pour le développement. Coordinator: Emmanuel Roux
- NEFRONS - Núcleo de Estudos sobre Fronteiras e Saúde , from Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Coordinator: Paulo Peiter
- Núcleo de Geoprocessamento, from Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Coordinator: Christovam Barcellos
- Geotecnologias na Gestão Municipal, from IFRS - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Coordinator: Carolina Larrosa De Oliveira Claro
- Núcleo de Pesquisa em Geografia da Saúde, from UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Coordinator: Rivaldo Faria
- Grupo de Pesquisa Geografia e Saúde, from UFFS - Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul. Coordinator: Jane Kelly Oliveira Friestino
- Grupo de Pesquisa Multidisciplinar em Ciências e Geotecnologias, from IFC - Instituto Federal Catarinense. Coordinator: Eduardo Augusto Werneck Ribeiro
- LiSS - Laboratório de investigação em sistemas socioambientais, from INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Coordinator: Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro
- EU&S - Espaço Urbano e Saúde, from USP - Universidade de São Paulo. Coordinator: Lígia Vizeu Barrozo
- BIOGEOS - Laboratório de Biogeografia e Geografia da Saúde, from UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista. Coordinator: Raul Borges Guimarães
- Geography of Health and Health Care Specialty Group, Canada An official study group of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Provides biannual newsletters, infromation about the community, including conference dates, job postings and website links.
- Simon Fraser University Health Geography Group, Canada The health geography group at Simon Fraser University undertakes highly innovative and internationally regarded research on a variety of health - and health care - topics. As a team, we work at the intersection of spatial analysis and social aspects of health and health care.
- Geosalud Mexico from Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico. Coordinator: Marcela Santana.
United States of America (USA)
- Eastern Africa GEO Health Hub (University of Southern California) for further information see Health Geography Groups Africa
- GeoHealth Innovations, Virginia non-profit organization, based in Richmond, Virginia, with a focus on the application of geospatial analysis and technology to improve decision making in public health and healthcare policy.
- GeoHealth Lab Group, The State University of New Jersey Center for Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis. Research group, focussed on employing geospatial research techniques to study resource patterns (like food environment, activity environement, urban greenness, access to care) in landscape that are thought to be impacting the health of residents while testing design approaches with the potential goals of improving community health.
- GeoHealth Lab, University of Utah Research of the lab focuses on using GIS and spatial methods to investigate public health and environmental health problems.
- GeoHealth Working Group, Ohio State University Ongoing projects about children time-space activity patterns, air pollution and obesity.
- Health and Medical Geography Research Group, University of North Texas under development
- Health Geographics Research Initiative (GIS Health), New York University Expertise: Geographic Measures, Spatial Analysis, Geospatial Data, Mapping & Visualization, Small Area Analysis, GPS Use in Research.
- Spatial Health Lab, Oregon State Univserity College of Public Health and Human Sciences. Use of geographic information systems (GIS), remotely sensing data, and primary data collection methods to conduct spatial exposure assessments for a wide range of environmental and social factors, such as air pollution, green space, land use, walkability and community belonging. These exposure methods are used within risk assessments as well as large epidemiological studies to examine associations with health outcomes (e.g. birth outcomes, lung function, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, etc.).
- Spatial Health Research Group, North Carolina The research activities focus on exploring spatio-temporal patterns of disease, primarily infectious diseases of the developing world. Disease patterns are studied using a holistic approach by investigating the role of social, natural, and built environments in disease occurrence in different places and populations. Diverse statistical and spatial analytical methods are informed by theory from the fields of medical geography, epidemiology, ecology, and others. These theories and methods are used to examine topics such as how social connectivity contributes to disease incidence, the role of population-environment drivers in viral evolution, and using environmental indicators to predict disease outbreaks.
- Specialty Group on Health and Medical Geography An Association of American Geographers Speciality Group. Newsletter and Forum for Health Geographers. Membership possible.
- Australian Health Geography Group provides a newsletter and an IAG Health Study Group Directory of Expertise here
New Zealand
- GeoHealth Laboratory, University of Canterbury The GeoHealth Laboratory undertakes applied research in the areas of health geography, spatial epidemiology and Geographical Information Systems. In particular, work in the GeoHealth Laboratory focuses upon how the local and national contexts shape health outcomes and health inequalities.
- Health Geography and Deprivation, University of Aukland At present the Health Geography theme looks at health inequalities and how social and physical environments shape human health. This work has led to the development of the Auckland Region Vascular Atlas and the Vascular Informatics Using Epidemiology and the Web (VIEW) project